My awesome list
Collection of awesome tools, softwares, articles, projects and many other stuff that I like and I suggest to become a better software engeneer.
- Visual Studio Code - Microsoft’s free & open-source editor, TypeScript friendly, VSCode Plugins.
- DBeaver - Free universal database manager and SQL client. Supports any database which has JDBC driver (which basically means - ANY database).
- GitKraken - Cross-platform Git GUI. It makes Git more visual and accessible with an intuitive UI.
- WebStorm - The smartest JavaScript IDE by JetBrains. FREE for Students, check here for more info.
- Postman - Powerful GUI platform to make your API development faster & easier, from building API requests through testing, documentation and sharing.Freeware
- Docker - Powerful, performs operating-system-level virtualization.
- Another Redis Desktop Manager - A faster, better and more stable redis desktop manager.Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
- MongoDB Compass - The GUI for MongoDB. An interactive tool for querying, optimizing, and analyzing your MongoDB data.
- Studio3T - The professional GUI for MongoDB.
- Conduktor - Kafka desktop client.
- Figma - The collaborative interface design tool, for vector graphics and UI prototyping.
- Slack - Awesome tool for team collaboration and communication.
- Bitwarden - Open source password management tool for Mac OS, iOS and browsers.
VSCode extensions
- Material Icon Theme - Get the Material Design icons into your VS Code.
- TODO Highlight - Highlighting todos, fixmes, and any annotations.
- Code Spell Checker - A basic spell checker that works well with code and documents.
- Git Lens - Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code.
- Markdown Preview Enhanced - Markdown file preview, PDF export, code chunk, presentation writer, etc
- Import Cost - Display import/require package size in the editor.
- Regex Previewer - Test regex and preview
- Code Runner - Run code snippet or code file for multiple languages
- JS Refactoring Assistant - Refactoring suggestions, safety analysis, mass refactoring for
JavaScript, TypeScript, React and Vue.js
- Project Dashboard - Organize your projects in a speed-dial like manner. Pin your frequently visited folders, files, and SSH remotes onto a dashboard to access them quickly.
- Error Lens - Improve highlighting of errors, warnings and other language diagnostics.
- i18n Ally - All in one i18n extension for VS Code.
- Rainbow CSV - Highlight CSV and TSV files, Run SQL-like queries.
- Color Highlight - Highlight web colors in your editor.
- Output Colorizer - Syntax highlighting for log files.
- Quokka.js - JavaScript and TypeScript playground in your editor.
- Doppler - Keep secrets and app configuration in sync and secure across devices, environments, and team members. Goodbye .env files.
- Launchdarkly - fast, scalable feature flag & toggle management (feature management) for the modern enterprise.
- - Everything you need to create the best software experiences—all in one place.
- Digital ocean - Droplets are simple, scalable virtual machines for all your web hosting and VPS hosting needs.
- Uptime Kuma - A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool.
- Novu - The open-source notification infrastructure for products.
- Firebase - toolset to “build, improve, and grow your app”. Analytics, authentication, databases, configuration, file storage, push messaging, and more…
- Supabase - The open source Firebase alternative.
Curated lists
Useful resources
- Fireship - Youtube channel with high-intensity code tutorials to help you build & ship your app faster.
- Clean code javascript
- Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
- Web3 Course - Learn Blockchain, Solidity, SmartContracts in JavaScript.
- heroku free alternatives
- a list of services with a free plan that developers can use as an alternative to Heroku.